Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday, April 9

Geometry: Went over the 10.3 homework and 10.4 notes (using inscribed angles & polygons in circles). Homework is 10.4 worksheet, quiz on 10.1-10.5 Thursday.

Science: Mrs. Kettner's class completed Investigation 19-A (period of pendulums), Mrs. Petersen's class took notes on Harmonic motion (pages 414-417). Homework for all classes is Period &  Frequency worksheet. 

Spanish I: Stapled worksheet is due tomorrow (the one with the personal a and conjugating verbs) Also, study your vocabulary, verbs, and questions for the 2.3 test this Friday.

Pre-Algebra: We worked in class on probability packet and a review for our test on Thursday.  Probability packet is homework if it is not finished in class.

Algebra: After checking that huge packet and answering questions, we discussed section 9.4.  Homework: worksheet 9.4 (attached).

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students continued on their monthly budget sheet by adding in the cost of Life Insurance.  I also put up on the board a list of expenses they should already have in their Excel sheet.  They will continue to find these costs and print the proof for their design folders. Homework:
No homework. Discussion topics: How much life insurance did you figure your family would need?

ELA: Students turned in their Grammar Packets from yesterday (5.1-5.3) and began work on Day 4 of our Persuasive Research Writer's Workshop.  We read two essays that proved a point, then picked them apart, noticing where they could have done a better job and/or where they did a good job.  Students then looked through their journals for topics that repeated often and decided if these topics would be good for their Persuasive Research Paper. For tomorrow students need to have three statements that take a stand on their topics.  We will check these statements for which one is the strongest and will have the most research backing both sides of the debate. Homework: Finish statements. READ! Journal entry #5

Humanities: Students received checked 13.1, received project rubrics and were introduced to 13.2 guided reading in class. Homework is to have parents read and sign the project rubric, and complete 13.2 guided reading for tomorrow.

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