Geometry: Practiced some additional constructions. Homework is the construction packet.
Course 3: Today we reviewed for our quiz on Wednesday October 2nd.
Corrective Reading: Reading logs and five responses due Monday October 7th. If
you did not turn in your log yesterday, Sept. 30th, you need to turn it in to me
tomorrow for reduced credit.
Resource Room Math: Homework packets/Multiplication daily forms due October 11th.
Resource Room Math: Homework packets/Multiplication daily forms due October 11th.
Spanish II: Look through unit 1 and unit 2 review worksheets, and put stars by the
sections you do not understand. We will go over them tomorrow. 1st review test is next Tuesday, Oct 8th. This is a TEST grade, and cannot
be retaken. Please come and ask for help at lunch.
French I: 1.1 quiz is tomorrow. Know all the vocab in purple on pg 45
Chinese: Teacher's Day Card Sample.
Spanish (Tomlinson):Continue to create and/or study flashcards for Unidad 1 Etapa 1
Spanish (Tomlinson):Continue to create and/or study flashcards for Unidad 1 Etapa 1
Humanities: Students discussed the government shutdown and reviewed chapters 1-3 in
class today. Homework is to complete 4.1 section assessment. No current event this week.
Art 7/8: Hr: 1 Homework: Draw 2 plans for the MOTIF style painting.
Art 7/8 : Hrs: 4,5 Continue MOTIF final drawing for painting.
Advanced Art grade 8: Hr:6 Shattered values continued.
Pre-Algebra: Chapter 1 Review: Day 1. HW: Unit 1 Chapter Review (both sides) Show ALL work! Unit 1 Test Thursday
ELA - We will be starting our
Science Fiction Unit next week so I would like all students to be done at least
two books by the end of this week. We will be reading and taking AR quizzes all
this week. Homework: READ! Journal Entry