Friday, October 23, 2015

Ramin - ELA

- AR Quizzes for The Giver
- Writing Challenge - Day 1

- M 10/26: Rough draft of writing challenge paragraph due

Important Dates

- M 10/26: 2 Reader's Book Records due

- W 11/4: All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due


Dixon 8th Grade Language and Literature 10/23/15

Classwork: Students took the AR quiz for The Giver and started a writing activity that will take us through next week.
Homework: Independent reading (3 AR quizzes due November 6)

Geometry- Friday, October 23

Classwork: Perpendicular bisector theorem

Homework: Reflection Practice

Discussion Starters: What is an isosceles trapezoid?

Science- Friday, October 23

Classwork: Last day of graphing distance(position) vs time and speed vs time. We used familiar fairy tales and graphed the motion of The Big Bad Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood and the Tortoise & The Hare.

Homework: Write the story to go with the graph of Tim asking Caroline out on a date (#4 on the graphs without numbers sheet). See Science folder for a copy.

Discussion Starters: Try to make a position/time graph that would represent something you did this weekend. Can you also make a speed/time graph to go with it?

Canvasser 10.23.15 Friday

RR ELA- Reading Logs are due Monday (10.26.15) Students should be reading 20 minutes (5 days a week)
*Do not forget the short reader's response section*

RR Math- Homework packets are due Friday (10.30.15)
 Math test will also be on Friday (10.30.15)
The homework packet, workbook pages and notes are great study tools.

Have a great weekend!