Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, September 27 (E Day)

Science: Went over Scientific Processes homework. Investigation 1B- Energy & Systems as a class. Lab Re-do's are due on Wednesday.

Geometry: Went over practice test. Chapter review (page 60-63 odds) is homework. Test #1 tomorrow!

Pre-Algebra: We took notes on the coordinate plane, lesson 1.8. Homework-worksheet 1.8, # 1-18.

Algebra 1: (Hour 2 and 4) 2.2 p. 77, 3-23 odd, 26-31, 33, 37, 41, 43, 53. (Hour 5) 2.3 p. 82, 3-13 odd, 17-25 odd, 29, 33, 37, 43, 44. Quiz over 2.1 and 2.4 Wednesday for all Algebra courses.

Social Studies: Students completed atlas work and began to read and work 2.1 in the text. Homework is to complete 2.1 worksheet and finish current events if I see you on "F" days.

LA - students took their writing process quiz and we checked it in class. We then continued with our reading strategies for the MEAP.  Wednesday we will start our Poetry Unit. Homework - reading their accelerated books