Science: Newton's 2nd law notes, pages 35-38 and we went over the acceleration homework that was due today (beware of UNITS!). Newton's 2nd law worksheet is homework and we will have a daily science quiz tomorrow. Unit 2 quiz on Wednesday, November 10.
Geometry: Went over the chapter 3 practice test and practiced constructions. Chapter 3 review #1-6 & 9-22 is homework. Chapter 3 test tomorrow!
Pre-Algebra: Students reviewed for their test tomorrow.
Algebra: Still testing in Algebra. 5th hour did a GREAT JOB! A- average. They will get them to look at today. They need to have their parents sign them and bring them back tomorrow.
LA - Student's chose a topic for their persuasive essay paper. The rough draft is due on Tuesday, 11/9 for peer editing, and their final draft is due Friday, Nov. 12th. I introduced their new novel "Iqbal" and gave them some background information. We read the introduction together. We started doing grammar, which consisted of breaking apart sentences and "chunking" them together in order for them to make sense. HW - Students need to read up to page 31 in their novel by tomorrow for class discussion. They should also be working on their essays.
Social Studies: Students reviewed 5.1 and worked on 5.2 in class. Homework is to complete 5.2
Art 7/8: Picasso scratch art plans transferred onto tag board, marker added and demo on oil pastel.
Advanced Art grade 8: Day 2 of still life drawing. Students continue coloring "Nonobjective Circular Art."
Technology - Students took another typing test on and were given the opportunity to retake their Copyright Law quiz, this quiz can be retaken up to 3 times. Our research process assignment is mostly complete and students then moved on to review note taking skills and research hints. Next week we will move on to finishing up Module 0 and reviewing Finding My Place. There will be three posts due next week.