Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ramin - ELA - 11/19/20

Students met with conference groups to discuss the topic and theme in their chosen short stories. Then, they began writing an outline for their literary essay. (Writer's Workshop - Day 8) 

Complete literary essay outline. Be ready to begin drafting your body paragraphs tomorrow.

Science- Thursday, November 19

Classwork: Discussed the notes from yesterday and then looked at how acceleration changes on the flat track compared to the downhill.

Homework: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

Discussion Starters: Is there greater evidence of a net unbalanced force acting on the car on the downhill or on the level section.

Geometry- Thursday, November 19

Classwork: Students were given 20 minutes to complete yesterday's group quiz. We also went over the proof handout #1 from last night and then finished the 3.4 notes.

Homework: Proof handout #2

Discussion Starters: Review corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior and same side interior angles with students and how they might be helpful in triangle proofs.

Canvasser 11.19.15 Thursday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (11.23.15)
Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes (5 days a week)
Do not forget to do the short reader's response section, along with a parent signature!

RR Math- The homework packet is due on/or before Wednesday (12.2.15)
The test will also be on Wednesday (12.2.15)
The homework packet, workbook pages, and notes are great study tools!