Thursday, May 29, 2014

Friday, May 30


Science: Quests were returned and students were able to do quest corrections. Corrections are due on Monday. Students then began working on the final exam review- it is due on Tuesday! Final exam is on Wednesday, June 4. 

Geometry: Students took the chapter 12 test. Final exam is on Monday, June 9.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday- 5 days.

R. Room Math:  Test is 6/6/14.  Homework packets are due on or before 6/6/14.  Red group, finish workbook pages if you did not in class today.

Humanities: Students  worked on 19.1 in class. Homework for Friday is to complete 19.1 free choice for Monday.

ELA - Hand in Credos and Rubric - volunteers may present Credo to class.  Read

Technology - Work on Create for Family Budget.

Course 3: Review is due on Monday!

Algebra - Homework: Finish the review packet (ch 9-12)

Pre-Algebra: Students received and began working on a review for the final exam. HW: Review due on Tuesday, June 3rd. Polynomial Check-Up on Monday, June 2nd.

Creative Writing: I Believe statements are due Monday. Notebook check will be Monday also. Must have all Reader's workshop lessons and associated writing for notebook check. Any missed lessons must be made up. Here are the PowerPoint slides if anyone needs them.

Spanish I: FINAL EXAM INFO:  We will be reviewing for the Final Exam every day until 6/9.  We will have multiple review sheets and packets.  They are designed for YOUR BENEFIT!!!  Do them for practice.  The exam covers EVERYTHING from the first day of school!
**** You may bring a notecard (5x7 maximum) with ANY info on the back and front that you believe will help you-- vocab, conjugations, etc.   I will collect ALL PHONES at the beginning of the Final and give them back to you at the end.  If you do not finish, you must remain with me to finish the Final to be fair to everyone else taking it. There will be no leaving the room once the Final has been distributed. TEXT BOOKS ARE DUE ON 6/9 --- IF YOU LOST YOUR BOOK IT IS $61 TO REPLACE.

Thursday, May 29

Science: Took the "Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum" Quest. We will begin reviewing for the final tomorrow! 

Geometry: Went over the Chapter 12 Practice Test- homework is the Chapter 12 review in the book. Chapter 12 test tomorrow! 

Chinese: We are going to present the story books students make last week, and then continue review for the final.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday- 5 days.

R. Room Math:  Test is 6/6/14.  Homework packets are due on or before 6/6/14.  Purple group, finish workbook pages if you did not in class today.

Spanish 2: Chapter 6.1 test tomorrow. Both worksheets are due tomorrow.

French I: Chapter 8 unit quizzes tomorrow

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 18 tests and discussed current events in class. No homework for Thursday.

ELA - Final work on Credos - due tomorrow illustrated with color, final draft format (NON ERASABLE, no pencil lines, neat, with all requirements).  Final Journal due - 50 entries.  Final AR quiz due date extended to June 6th. Homework: READ - Credo final draft, Journal entry #50

Technology - Kennedy - Work on Create for Family Budget.  We will begin presenting on Tuesday.

Algebra - Homework: ch 8 of the review packet (#8-27)

Course 3: We started to review for our final exam.  It is on June 5th and 6th.  Tonight students should make sure they are done through number 44 on the review.  All should be done by Monday.

Creative Writing: I Believe statements are due Monday. Notebook check will be Monday also. Must have all Reader's workshop lessons and associated writing for notebook check. Any missed lessons must be made up. Here are the PowerPoint slides if anyone needs them.

Pre-Algebra: Today we reviewed some practice problems for a short quiz students will complete on Monday over Polynomial addition, subtraction and multiplication. Students should have a foldable that reviews the steps for solving problems like these and may use this to help them prepare for the quiz. HW: Equation Solving Practice worksheet

Spanish I: We reviewed yesterday's study guide and received another study guide, very similar to the test. TEST -- tomorrow 5/30. Please finish classwork packets, study guides, and any missing HW for chapter 3.2. FINAL EXAM INFO:  We will be reviewing for the Final Exam every day until 6/9.  We will have multiple review sheets and packets.  They are designed for YOUR BENEFIT!!!  Do them for practice.  The exam covers EVERYTHING from the first day of school! **** You may bring a notecard (5x7 maximum) with ANY info on the back and front that you believe will help you-- vocab, conjugations, etc.  I will collect ALL PHONES at the beginning of the Final and give them back to you at the end.  If you do not finish, you must remain with me to finish the Final to be fair to everyone else taking it. There will be no leaving the room once the Final has been distributed. TEXT BOOKS ARE DUE ON 6/9 --- IF YOU LOST YOUR BOOK IT IS $61 TO REPLACE.