Monday, January 11, 2016

Ramin - ELA

Today students worked on an outline for their position papers using their research from science class. A completed outline is due tomorrow so that students may begin drafting in class. 

Students: If you noticed today that you need more research on a particular area of your topic, please make sure to find it tonight and bring it to class with you tomorrow. Also, please be sure to complete your pronoun quiz before midnight tonight. After today, the quiz will be considered late.

English - Kennedy

We are beginning our Cross Curricular Position Paper this week and next week with the paper turned in to both Science and L&L via Google Classroom on Friday January 22nd.  Students researched in Science and will now write a position paper in Language and Literature (English).

Monday - Day 1 Outlining
Tuesday - Day 2 - Rough Draft (Homework Journal Entry)
Wednesday - Day 3 - Refining Evidence
Thursday - Day 4 - Framing Evidence & Counter Argument (Homework Journal Entry on MLK)
Friday - Day 5 - Conclusions

Ginger Kennedy
6th-8th Tech & 8th Grade English
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Canvasser 11.11.16

Happy Monday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due today! If you did not turn one in you can turn it in tomorrow!
New reading logs due Tuesday (11.19.16)
Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week)
Do not forget to complete the short reader's response section! Along with having a parent signature for all five days!

*AR Quizzes are due by the end of the month! make sure you are reading your AR books!*

RR Math- The homework packet is due on/before Thursday (1.14.16) The math test will also be on Thursday (1.14.16)
Your notes, workbook pages, and homework packet are great study resources! 

Individuals and Societies

-Students were introduced to Chapter 10 (Jacksonian Democracy) in class today.
-Homework is to finish 10.1 terms and names, as well as the "reading check" questions found in the section.