Geometry: Continued to work on the final exam review, it is due tomorrow. Final exam is scheduled for Monday, June 4.
Science: Went over the Refraction homework and took the Light Quest. We will begin reviewing for the final tomorrow. Final exam is Tuesday, June 5.
Humanities: Students presented projects in class today. No homework.
Pre-Algebra: Students had some time to work on their final exam review. We also worked on graphing linear equations that are in slope intercept form. Homework is worksheet on slope-intercept form. Final exam is Wednesday, June 6
Spanish I: Study for vocab quiz tomorrow (the first part. The second part is this Friday) First set of sentences for the vocab quiz part 1 are due tomorrow. Second set of sentences for the vocab quiz part 2 are due this Friday. Worksheet done today is NOT homework. It is just practice for the test.
Algebra (Graham): Our last Chapter test is tomorrow! We went over the practice test in class today. We will begin reviewing for the final exam. Our final exam will be Wednesday June 6 and Thursday June 7.
Technology (Graham): Students should be working on their newsletters and their