Science: Worked on "What is Safe?" paper in class today. This is the last day that we will be working on the project in class, although students are encouraged to bring their circuits in if help is needed. Final projects and paper are due on Monday, March 21. Click for rubric and lab planner.
Geometry: 9.7 notes (dilations and compositions) completed in class. 9.7 worksheet is homework. Chapter 9 "Quest" on Wednesday, March 16.
LA - Students were supposed to be done with their rough drafts so they can peer edit today. We also went over Ch 9 and 10 in the "Outsiders." HW - Finish the "Outsiders" (hours 2,4,6 -3/15) (hour 3 - 3/16). Literary essays are due 3/17 or 3/18. Students will have access to computers to type in class all week. Don't forget that conferences are this week 3/16 in the evening and 3/17 afternoon and evening. I look forward to seeing you there.
Pre-Algebra: We went over lessons 6.1 on rates and ratios. Homework-worksheet 6.1, #1-9,12-23.
Social Studies: Students finished presentations in class today. No homework. Current events due "C" and "F" days.
Art 7/8: Students continue coloring their "Round Robin Picasso."
Advanced Art grade 8: Day 5 of weekly still life drawing. Drawings will be checked today. Students will continue cutting chair drawings apart and begin their collage.
Algebra: We finished chapter 8!!! Our test will be on Wednesday (2nd and 4th hours) and Friday (5th hour) and it is covering a ton of material. I have attached the practice test they received in class. Students should be studying their notes and flashcards. I am available before school and at lunchtime for extra help.
Spanish I test tomorrow. Spanish 8 test next E day