Geometry: Went over the 7.3 worksheet and 7.4 notes (special right triangles). Homework is the 7.4 worksheet, quiz on chapter 7 tomorrow. Project is due on Friday.
Spanish I: Study for the midterm tomorrow and on Monday.
Humanities: Students checked 8.1, were introduced to 8.2 and began to work on 8.2 guided reading in class. Homework is to complete 8.2 guided reading. Current events are due Friday.
Course 3: We continued to find an equation given a set of ordered pairs. 5th hour-Homework is worksheet 11.1, # 14 - 19.
ELA - Students turned in their Journals for 2nd Marking period. They then worked quietly on studying for mid-terms and/or Grammar Packet - 2.4 Compound Nouns. Homework: Read, Grammar Packet 2.4.