Friday, June 2, 2017

Math 8 - Stone

Only 1 test left to go. Below you will find the reviews for the final and the days each is due. The final is on Friday, June 9 and we finish it up Monday June 12. See you bright and early Monday morning for our trip to Cedar Point!


Spanish 2

Students took the Unit 9 Test today. We will begin reviewing for the final exam next week after the Cedar Point trip. Students received a study outline today if they would like to start studying at home. Additional study materials are available at

Final Exam: Monday, June 12, and Tuesday, June 13

Friday, June 2

Classwork- Began reviewing for the final exam.

Homework: Units 5 & 6 are due on Tuesday, June 6; Unit 7 due on Wednesday, June 7, Unit 9 due Thursday, June 8 & Unit 10 due Friday, June 9.

Coming Soon!  Final exam Monday & Tuesday June 12&13


Classwork: We read and discussed different types of roller coasters and the physics behind them in preparation for our field trip.

Cedar Point trip is Monday! Be here at 7 am sharp, wearing your 8th grade t-shirt. Extra $ for lunch would be a good idea!

Canvasser 6.2.17 Friday

Happy Friday!

RR ELA- The reading logs are due Tuesday ( 6.6.17) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- Both groups worked on homework and test corrections.

*Students need to bring their AR books to class and home daily!*

*AR points are due soon for general ELA classes!*

Have a great weekend!