Science: Today we collected data for the "Candy Coated" Lab. Tomorrow we will graph the data and work on data analysis, drawing conclusions and reflection. Students will need to have their research completed by Monday. Click here for a copy of the lab.
Geometry: We began our investigation into geometry by coming up with definitions for line segments by comparing pictures of segments to pictures of non-segments and completed half of the notes for section 1.1. Homework is 1.1 worksheet #1-8.
Language Arts: Students "personalized" their Personal Journals with colored paper, pictures and drawings. When personalization was done their first entry was to be started. After Personlaizing your Personal Journal, please pick one topic and write a half a page:
1- Explain what you like and dislike about your name.
2- Write freely about your biggest fear.
3 - Topic of your choice.
Summer Reading AR quizzes were taken, a few students needed to spill into tomorrow, no worries I will open up our computers tomorrow as well.
Algebra (Hill): What we did today- Solving algebraic expressions. Homework- section 1.2 Problems 1-16 even 22-28 even and 36
Algebra (Graham): Took notes on sections 1.1/2.7. Ask what is the difference between a math sentence and a math expression??? Homework - page 5. (#3,6,9,12,26,28,35).
Course 3: Started work on Bar Graph project - no homework
Pre-Algebra: We started to talk about Stem and Leaf plots. No homework.
Art 7/8 : Students begin sketchbook covers today using the Elements and Principles of Design. They will also incorporate their name and 1 IB Trait and 1 Attitude.
Advanced Art 8: Portfolios and sketchbooks need to be purchased. Students are currently working on a grid about the Element and Principles of Design.
Humanities: Students were introduced to our first IB question, "How do values affect our world?" and discussed values and their sources in class today. Homework is to interview parents about values. Interview questions are attached.