Science (Hours 4 & 6): Collected data for "How Fast Am I?" Rough drafts for peer review for all classes on Friday. Quiz corrections due tomorrow (see yesterday's post).
Geometry: Truth tables & symbolic notation activity in class. 2.4 notes (Using postulates & theorems), 2.4 worksheet is homework. 2.1-2.4 quiz tomorrow.
Algebra 1: Hours 2 and 6: Worked on chapters 1/2 review. ALL CLASSES CH 1/2 TEST TOMORROW!
Social Studies: Students shared current events, discussed early colonization and took notes on a video of early exploration/colonization in class. 3.2 guided reading is due tomorrow.
Technology: Students completed their Moodle posting, this week they were to post a well worded quiz question to the "What's on your mind" Forum. This question is to be derived from the information viewed about Copyright. Students began their Internet Scavenger Hunt. Students are to search on the internet for answers to the questions and then create a bibliography for their answers in A copy of the worksheet is attached. This assignment is due on October 14th for Hours 1,3, &5. And October 18th for Hour 2.
LA: Students reviewed and shared their Cinquain's and Clerihews. We went over all of our poetry notes and homework to make sure that everyone is up to date. We read "Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred Lord Tennyson and discussed its theme. We also read 2 Robert Frost poems and discussed their meanings. Students were introduced to Self Portrait and Limerick poems. Homework: Write a self-portrait and limerick poem. Continue reading their accelerated reading books. The quiz will be on Friday Oct. 15th.