Science- Wednesday, June 5
Geometry- Monday, June 9
Choir- Thursday, June 5
Spanish I- Monday, June 9
Algebra- Thursday June 5 & Friday June 6
Spanish II - Thursday & Friday June 5 & 6
Chinese- Friday, June 6
Science: Used the jigsaw method to read and take notes on pages 478-483. Electromagnetic Spectrum "Quest" Thursday or Friday, May 29 or 30.
Geometry: Completed the 12.2 notes, surface area of prisms & cylinder. Homework is the 12.2 worksheet. Chapter 12 test Friday, May 30.
C. Reading: Logs are due on Monday. All five days need to be filled out and signed.
R. Room Math: You will have a test on 5/20/14. Please take home your math workbooks so you can study over the weekend! Also, your homework packet is due on 5/20/14 or before. Remember, I encourage you to turn in your homework early so you can use it as another study tool. I am available during lunch/LRC to also assist with questions prior to the test. If you study, you will do great! Purple group, if you did not finish today's workbook pages in class, that will also be homework due Monday. Have a wonderful weekend.
Algebra - Homework: 11.2 (evens only)
Spanish I: HW -- check Family Access with a parent, if necessary, and see if you have
missing work for TERM 4. Print from 8th grade blog OR use your text and turn in
Monday. There is NO NEW HW. Use this chance to catch up!!! ¡QuĂ© tengan un buen fin de semana!
Humanities: Students continued to present Civil War projects in class today. No homework.
Chinese: We are staring to make a story book in Chinese and English in class. Classwork will be writing draft of the story in Chinese pinyin.
Spanish II: 6.1 Vocab quiz on Monday, 23 verb sentences due on Monday.
French I: No homework
Course 3: Today we worked on two-step inequalities. Homework is inequality
worksheets, all of the odds.
Pre-Algebra: Today we had a Markup/Discount problem solving workshop. First
we practiced on slates together and then students volunteered to share the story
problems they created. HW: Percent of Change worksheet (finish evens). Quiz Monday on percent applications (See attached for a review checklist)