Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday, January 31

Science: Played jeopardy to review for the midterm. Homework is to complete the review we started yesterday, it is due on Monday. Midterm is Tuesday!

Geometry: Completed our investigation of the unit circle. Homework is to complete the unit circle handout.

Spanish II: Begin studying the 5.1 vocabulary words on pg 343

French I: 4.1 quiz on Monday, 4.1 worksheet due on Monday, midterm on Feb 10 & 11

Corrective Reading:  Logs are due on Monday- 5 responses.  Yes, you can use your novels from English class.

R. Room Math:  Test Monday- study.  Also, your homework packet is due Monday, including reflect questions!

ELA - Students continued their reading of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.  Many are really getting in to this classic novel! Today we looked at another Signpost during Reader's Workshop. Students should be able to recognize "Aha Moments" this signpost worksheet is due as an Exit Slip today. Homework: Read chapters 11-16

Tech (Kennedy) - Students finished their Excel Worksheet "12 Days of Middle School" and then practiced their touch typing skills.

Tech (Stein) What we did today: Students that turned in their permission slips were able to join their class and create an Edmodo account. Students also watched a video following two teens that use tobacco products and why they chose to quit. Homework: Edmodo permission slips were due Friday, January 31. Please have your student turn in a signed slip Monday if it has not yet been turned in. Have a great weekend and stay warm! :)

Course 3: Homework is worksheet 11.4, #4-12.

Humanities: Students checked 10.4, discussed current events and were given a study guide for chapters 9/10 test, which will be on Wednesday of next week. Homework is to begin to work on the study guide. Students will have a total of five days to work with the study guide and ask questions in preparation for the test Wednesday. The study guide is attached.

Pre-Algebra: Quick review and then a "Check Up" over 8.1-8.3. No HW. 

Algebra - 2 worksheets (story problems and solving systems using elimination)