Science: Today we played a jeopardy review game in class. Unit 1 review is due tomorrow. The directions for this assignment can be found on yesterday's blog post. We will go over the review in class tomorrow. Unit 1 test is Thursday.
Geometry: 3.5 notes (equations of lines and graphing lines). 3.5 worksheet is homework. 3.1-3.4 quiz tomorrow. Chapter 3 test Wednesday, November 5.
Algebra: Students will complete 6.4 today and work on the homework involving compound inequalities. Students must pay attention to the difference between AND or OR problems.
Pre Algebra: We reviewed one step equations with addition and subtraction. Students then completed one step equations with multiplication and division (2.6/2.7). Students have 2.6 homework to do today.
Course 3: We continued the conversation on distributive property and students completed the rest of the homework assignment in class. No homework.
Algebra 2: No homework, took Ch. 4 Part I test today.
Language Arts: Students took the poetry quiz. New journals: #1 - Write a description of your personality from a good friends point of view. HW: none
Journalism - See yesterday's post. HW: none