Geometry: Took the chapter 5 test, no homework!
Language Arts: Student wrote an in school journal entry: Write a journal entry on: - Invent the best dessert in the world - use sensory words when describing it. or - Explain what you think is the meaning of the saying "Beauty is only skin deep." or - a "moment" that is important to you. They were given time to read or take an AR quiz - remember the second AR quiz is due this Friday. Morning classes then took their Pop Quiz on Literary Terms. We started our Literary Analysis in Writer's Workshop. Homework: write in your journal- READ
Spanish I: Students should begin to study the vocab sheets for the midterm in January.
Algebra (Hill): Finish your section 5.1 and 5.2 worksheet
Algebra (Graham): We needed another day on section 5.4. 4th hour - #7,9, 13,15, 17, 7th hour - #8, 12, 14, 16, 18
Humanities: Students completed chapter 5 test in class today. No homework. Current event due Wednesday.