Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, December 12

Science:  Discussed lab corrections and started our unit on Energy Transformations. Students read an article on energy transformation and worked on the Energy packet. The following pages are homework if they were not finished in class: Forms, #52, #53 & #54.

Geometry: Took the chapter 5 test, no homework!

Language Arts: Student wrote an in school journal entry: Write a journal entry on: - Invent the best dessert in the world - use sensory words when describing it. or - Explain what you think is the meaning of the saying "Beauty is only skin deep." or - a "moment" that is important to you. They were given time to read or take an AR quiz - remember the second AR quiz is due this Friday. Morning classes then took their Pop Quiz on Literary Terms. We started our Literary Analysis in Writer's Workshop. Homework: write in your journal- READ

Spanish I: Students should begin to study the vocab sheets for the midterm in January.

Algebra (Hill): Finish your section 5.1 and 5.2 worksheet

Algebra (Graham): We needed another day on section 5.4. 4th hour - #7,9, 13,15, 17, 7th hour - #8, 12, 14, 16, 18

Humanities: Students completed chapter 5 test in class today. No homework. Current event due Wednesday.