Science: Completed Investigation 1-A today. We are becoming experts at using the tracks and timers as well as how to graph difficult data. Lab corrections are due on Monday.
Geometry: Went over the 1.6 homework and 1.7 notes (area, perimeter and circumfrence). Homework is the 1.7 worksheet. Chapter 1 test will be Tuesday, September 25.
Course 3: We had a packed day today!! We talked about area and perimeter of squares and rectangles. We also discussed the distance formula. Homework is worksheet 1.6, all.
Pre-Algebra: We spent some time on multiplying and dividing fractions. We will have a short quiz covering that on Monday. We discussed subtracting positive and negative numbers (keep-change-change). Homework: 1.6 Practice C (1-29 odd) must be done on a separate sheet of paper!
Algebra: Finished notes on section 2.1. Homework: 2.1 Practice B and Irrational Story.
8 ELA - Students responded to one of the following prompts for their journal entry #7:
- Which would you rather be - a fish or a bird? Why?
- If you could be someone else, who would that person be? Explain your choice.
- your own topic
We then moved on to Test Taking Skills - Capitalization Assessments. Students followed along with Ms. Mayrand highlighting the tips and tricks page (practice picking out important information for note taking). The students then completed the packet at tables. Students were given time to start taking their 1st card marking AR quizzes and read. Many students did not have their AR book...please reinforce the importance of having their novel with them in class every day, it won't help them in the locker. Homework: READ! Journal entry #8
Spanish I: 2nd hour: finish last week's worksheet for tomorrow. 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th: no homework
Physical Educaton: September Fitness essay is due on September 28. Click here for a copy of the question.
Humanities: Students checked homework folders, watched student news and shared current events in class. No homework.