Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday, February 8

Apologies for the lack of a blog on Monday, Mrs. Petersen was home with the stomach flu.

Science: Investigation 13-A, conductors and insulators in circuits. Lab corrections are due tomorrow.

Geometry: Quizzes were returned and notes for 7.6 (sine and cosine) were completed in class. 7.6 worksheet is homework. Chapter 7 test is Monday, February 14.

Social Studies: Students reviewed for chapters 9/10 quiz. Homework is to study for quiz on Wednesday (study guide attached). Homework folders due Wednesday. Current events due "C" and "F" day.

Algebra: Material is increasing in difficulty. You may sense a rise in frustration. Asking questions and seeking extra help is a great way to get problems solved. 2nd and 4th hour - Took quiz over sections 7.1 to 7.3. No homework. 5th hour -  Discussed sections 7.4 and 7.5. I have attached the homework.

Pre-Algebra: We went over the homework of two lessons, 5.2 and 5.3. No homework.

LA - Students turned in their completed community projects. If your child did not bring in their project today you will get a separate email. If it is due to an absence or I have already talked to you via email, you will not be notified. Hour 3 presented their projects and they are great so far! Hours 2,4,6 did writer's workshop mini lesson #1 - Living in a Story. HW - none