Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday, April 28

Science: Students took the sound and waves unit test, no homework.

Geometry: Began Unit 8 by reviewing completing the square and discussing the standard equation of circles. Students need to complete the last three problems in the notes/packet from today. Here's a link for help with completing the square.

RR Math: Homework packets were passed out today. Red group finish any workbook pages started today. Test grades are posted.

RR English: Read daily. Log due Monday (5 days). 

Algebra: Quiz tomorrow (11.1-11.3) We discussed shifts of hyperbolas and how to tell based on the equation. Notes and homework attached.

Humanities: Students turned in chapter 15 assessment and began to work on 16.1 section assessment in class. Homework is to finish 16.1 section assessment.

ELA - Students discussed theme today during Day 12 of their Reader's Workshop. Tomorrow is their final Book Club meeting with WIR3 due. Homework: Read, WIR3, Journal Entry 4.28

Technology - tomorrow students need to have their Investigate done. I will be checking in their print evidence showing the line item and where they got their numbers, their spreadsheet matching their print evidence, and their bibliography. Any questions please consult the Google Classroom.

Pre-Algebra: Today we explored 6.3, the method of solving proportions using cross products. The homework is 6.3, 1-27 odd on a separate sheet of paper with work. The notes and homework are available at http://norupstein.weebly.com/pre-algebra-notes-and-homework .