Science- Wednesday, June 4
Geometry- Monday, June 9
Choir- Thursday, June 5
Spanish I- Monday, June 9
Algebra- Thursday June 5 & Friday June 6
Pre-Algebra- Thursday, June 5Spanish II - Thursday & Friday June 5 & 6
Chinese- Friday, June 6
Science: Continued investigating properties of light by observing how light reflects and refracts in a prism. Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum "Quest" Friday, May 30.
Geometry: Made prisms & pyramids with congruent bases to investigate the relationship between volume of a prism and volume of a pyramid, followed by 12.5 notes (volume of pyramids & cones). Homework is the 12.5 worksheet. Chapter 12 test Friday, May 30.
C. Reading: Logs are due Tuesday with five responses. Happy Reading!
R. Room Math: Purple group should complete the two workbook pages they started in class if they did not finish them, due tomorrow. Red group, no homework.
Humanities: Students finished working on 18.2 and began to work on 18.3 in
class. Homework is to finish 18.2 and 18.3 for tomorrow. Please remember, we will have our chapter 18 assessment on Wednesday, May
Spanish II: Book exercises pg 405 #8,11,12 & 13. due tomorrow.
French I: Study vocab and new verb.
Spanish I: Today we are doing a Lab Activity on comparisons/inequalities HW--check Family Access and find your missing assignments/classwork
ELA - Students continued with our "I Believe" statement. Day 5 we wrote
about "I hate it when" in our journals to see if we can find what really
inspires us. We are working our way to writing our own "Life Credo" or "I
Believe" statement. Homework: READ! Journal entry #45
Technology - Kennedy - Students continued their "Family Budget"
project. Remember all jobs require a maximum of 4 years
college, be available in the city and state the student picked, and be entry
wage. No lawyers, doctors, professional athletes, or famous performers allowed.
Rough draft sheets are in the room, sketch out what your visual aid is going to
look like and write a rough draft of your speech. Homework: Rough Drafts of project are due Tuesday.
Algebra - Last lesson of the year!! 12.1 Inverse Variations. Hwk: 12.1 (evens)
Pre-Algebra: Today we reviewed last night's homework page, "Linear Word Problems". We discussed how to write and graph the equations for word problems. We also began notes on Polynomials in our ISNs. No homework was assigned today. FINAL EXAM WILL BE June 5TH! We will spend a good amount of time reviewing and preparing.
Algebra - Last lesson of the year!! 12.1 Inverse Variations. Hwk: 12.1 (evens)
Pre-Algebra: Today we reviewed last night's homework page, "Linear Word Problems". We discussed how to write and graph the equations for word problems. We also began notes on Polynomials in our ISNs. No homework was assigned today. FINAL EXAM WILL BE June 5TH! We will spend a good amount of time reviewing and preparing.
Course 3: We have a quiz tomorrow on inequalities. Extra practice in the textbook on
lessons 3.5, 3.6, 6.5, and 6.6.
Chinese: We are working on translating the story book today in class.
Chinese: We are working on translating the story book today in class.