Geometry: Law of Sines & Cosines test review.
Humanities: Students reviewed for our chapter 12 test in class. Homework is to study for the test on Tuesday.
C. Reading: Logs are due today. If you forgot, please turn it in tomorrow for
late points. Your new log will be passed out today and due 3/10/14.
R. Room Math: G red, test corrections due Friday. Both groups, homework packets will be due 3/14/14.
R. Room Math: G red, test corrections due Friday. Both groups, homework packets will be due 3/14/14.
Spanish II: Chapter 9 test tomorrow
French I: The 5.2 worksheet is due next Monday. The chapter 5 test will be next week.
Chinese: We are doing Lesson 9's listening comprehension exercises from the text book,
p.68:9; p.69:12.
Course 3: Today we did stations to review for our Chapter 11 test tomorrow. We have
done a lot of review. There is extra practice on pages 636 - 640. Stop at
number 29.
Algebra-Homework: 8.3 practice (attached) will be collected
tomorrow and checked for accuracy.
ELA - Adjective and Adverb Quiz taken, the rest of the hour was for Reading
and/or AR quizzes. AR3 is due by Friday. Homework: Journal #27 and READ!
Tech - Students began their EDP (Education Development Plan) in Career
Cruising with Mrs. Helms.
Pre-Algebra: Review work. HW: please finish any two of the pages in the packet for tomorrow
Pre-Algebra: Review work. HW: please finish any two of the pages in the packet for tomorrow