Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday, June 7

If students have questions or problems with their high school schedule, they should contact their high school counselor directly. NIS staff are unable to make any changes in the computer as they are technically high school students now. They should contact based on last name the following counselors via email or phone:
 A - D - Mr. Beebe - - 837-8142
E - K - Ms. Helms - - 837.8143
L - R - Mrs. Perkins - - 837-8145
S - Z - Mrs. Bullis - - 837-8144

Pre-Algebra: Today students took their final exam.  No homework.

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 19, shared current events and turned in textbooks in class today. No homework.

Science: Students were given their grades on the science final and Mrs. Petersen demonstrated the eye dissection. Dissection is tomorrow!!!!

Geometry: Went over the final exam and began reviewing algebra concepts.