Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday, March 7

Science: Students began reviewing for the Electricity Test and submitted their circuit events & sketches. Lengths of wire and bulbs were also distributed to students. The review is due on Tuesday and the Electricity Unit Test is Friday, March 14. Students should begin working on building their circuits over the weekend and early next week and must provide evidence of starting to make the circuit by Wednesday, March 12.

Geometry: Began the unit on circles by investigating the relationship between arc measure, central angles and inscribed angles. Homework is practice page 196 #1-14.

C. Reading:  Your new log was passed out and is due 3/10/14.

R. Room Math:  G red, test corrections are due today, Friday.  Both groups, homework packets will be due 3/14/14.  Your test will also be on 3/14/14

Humanities: Students shared political cartoons and current events in class. No homework.

Spanish 1: Exercises 2,3, and 7 pp.150-152. Write all exercises in complete Spanish sentences.  Due Monday--put in Inbox in class. 2.3 Vocab due Wednesday (5 sentences about what you do in the park due TODAY). There is no new work due Tuesday - -we will go to the lab and work on 2.3 Vocab. Vocab quiz--Friday 3/14

Chinese: Yesterday we reviewed Unit 3 Revision from workbook again, and homework is to make correction on the practice test. Today we are going to take the Unit Test.

Course 3: Today we worked on solving and setting up proportions.  Homework is worksheet 7.2, # 1 - 22.

Spanish II: Start studying the vocab words for 5.2 on the blog.
French I: 5.2 worksheet is due Monday. Chapter 5 test on Tuesday.

Pre-Algebra: Today students finished up their Linear Equation Quiz and caught up on ISNs. I checked ISNs for unit 8 completion. No homework, unless you need to complete pages from Unit 8 in the ISN.

ELA - Today will be a reading and take AR quiz day.  I want to be sure that students have the time to complete each requirement.  We will be moving on to Prepositions next week.  Homework: Read. AR4 quiz is due 3/21
Tech- Today we went over any missing Moodle Assignments for Module 0 an Module 2.  Students were given the time to upload any missing work. When both of these tasks were completed students were given time to practice their touch typing skills on

Algebra - We started exponential functions.  Attached is the homework and the answers to yesterday's assignment.  Remember the extra credit! (last sheet of the packet)