ACT Explore Test is on Thursday 12/9 and will take up the whole morning.
Science (4th & 6th Hour): Investigation 4-A (Force, Work & Machines). Labs were returned and corrections are due on Monday, December 13.
Geometry: Went over the 5.4 homework and did a review activity for chapter 5. Took the 5.1-5.4 quiz.
Algebra: Test next Tuesday (week from today) on chapter 4, 2nd and 4th hour: assigned worksheets 4.5 and 4.6. 5th hour: 4.5 worksheet was assigned yesterday
Social Studies: Students shared current events and began the geography challenge in class today. No homework. Current events due "C" and "F" days.
LA - Read aloud The Pigman Ch 11 and discussed. We also read and discussed the journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty. Students at each table were given a specific question to answer from the reading and we discussed as a whole class. HW - reading their novels. Extra Credit - bring in a box of tissue or hand santizer for 5 points.
Technology: Students worked on Module 1, Part 1. Four Forum posts and one Essay are due by Monday December 13th. A new assignment will be given at that time so all work needs to be uploaded or posted prior to class.