Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday, January 4

Happy New Year!

To get back in the swing of things, students worked on puzzles relating to kinetic & potential energy as well as renewable energy resources.

Geometry: Reviewed 6.1-6.3 and discussed kitchen geometry project. Pg. 380 (mixed review problems) is homework. Students must be prepared to work on the kitchen geometry project on Wednesday and we will have a quiz on 6.1-6.4 on Thursday.

Algebra: Students were welcomed back to a New Years Math activity. Then, students learned 5.1, took notes and have 5.1 homework. Calendar is attached.

Algebra 2: We reviewed 6.1-6.3 Quiz from before break and reviewed 6.4. Please review 6.1-6.4 on your own tonight and be ready for a quiz.

Course 3: Baker- Today we started Chapter 6, Section 1. Students have Chapter 6.1 homework tonight from the text book. Pg. 295-297 #1, 3-8, 16, 25, 26, 36, 40. Austin- We started a chapter 5 practice test. Chapter 5 test is Wednesday.

Pre Algebra: Today we reviewed Chapter 4 from before break. Students learned 4.5 before break and have 4.5 homework tonight.

Social Studies: Students were introduced to the "Constitution Handbook" (p. 232) in class. Big Idea for the day..."When reading a primary document (or anything else for that matter) always consider the order of importance." Homework is to complete the guided reading for the Constitution Handbook. Current events are due Wednesday.

LA - Journal #1 - What was your favorite thing you did over break? Why? We read The Pigman - Ch8 and worked on the vocabulary. academic, vile, arsenal, artillery - due tomorrow. Pigman quiz on Ch 7 and 8 is scheduled for Wed. Jan 6.

Journalism = Working on articles and getting the 1st issue out. HW - none.

Spanish 1: ¡Feliz año nuevo! We spent time today speaking Spanish in class. First we saw the video with the native speakers speaking the lines from pages 104-105, then the students worked in groups to recreate the same lines. They will use this same text for a small pronunciation quiz either Wednesday or Thursday (they choose the day). They must read 20 words from the two pages with their best pronunciation and they will be graded on how well they read. For tomorrow, the homework is to practice the variations sentences for 2-1. This is a series of variations they practiced before break. They have sheet called Variaciones 2-1 which contains both the sentences and the correct answers to prepare.

Spanish 8: We are working to finish the unit about Spain. Students will be displaying their work on Wednesday.

Career Tech will begin presenting their Family Budget Projects - voluntarily until Thursday. On Thursday Jan 7th, all work is to stop, if a student needs to start a computer they will forfeit 5 pts off their project grade for late work.

Integrated Tech will continue work on their LegoRobotics with Team Work Log due each week for grading. Those not participating will earn a daily grade for work accomplished.