Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17

Science: Worked on the conclusion and critique/reflection sections of the lab, rough draft is due on Thursday, November 20 and final drafts are due on Monday, November 24. Students will have the opportunity to type their labs tomorrow and Wednesday in class.

Geometry: Began developing triangle congruence criteria- no homework. Unit 3 quiz on Thursday.

ELA- Students learned how to incorporate evidence in their paragraphs during Writer's Workshop Day 6. Tonight's journal entry is to be a Connected Example paragraph. Homework: Journal 2.15 & Read. Attached are the transition words and phrases and extended example. 

Pre-Algebra: Today we took notes over 3.2. The homework is 3.2, all due Wednesday. There will be a 3.1 - 3.3 quiz this Friday, November 21. The notes and homework are available at
**We go to Avery Lab every Tuesday. Please be prepared to go outside for ANY weather.

Algebra: We started Piecewise Function Graphs. Homework: Finish the last problem on the notes.

French 2: Unit quiz on Tuesday and Unit test on Thursday

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, November 24
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
No homework this evening, there was a test today.

Humanities: Students checked 4.3 guided notes and began to work on 4.4 section assessment in class. Homework is to complete 4.4 section assessment.