Geometry: Began developing triangle congruence criteria- no homework. Unit 3 quiz on Thursday.
ELA- Students learned how to incorporate evidence in their paragraphs during Writer's Workshop Day 6. Tonight's journal entry is to be a Connected Example paragraph. Homework: Journal 2.15 & Read. Attached are the transition words and phrases and extended example.
Pre-Algebra: Today we took notes over 3.2. The homework is 3.2, all due Wednesday. There will be a 3.1 - 3.3 quiz this Friday, November 21. The notes and homework are available at
**We go to Avery Lab every Tuesday. Please be prepared to go outside for ANY weather.
Algebra: We started Piecewise Function Graphs. Homework: Finish the last problem on the notes.
French 2: Unit quiz on Tuesday and Unit test on Thursday
RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, November 24
parents must sign reading logs
RR Math:
No homework this evening, there was a test today.
Humanities: Students checked 4.3 guided notes and began to work on 4.4 section assessment in class. Homework is to complete 4.4 section assessment.