Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Update Canvasser 5.24.16 Tuesday

LRC 5th and 6th hour: Co-teach summary due tomorrow (5.25.16) by 8:00 am on Google classroom.

8th Grade Final Exam Schedule

Science: Friday, June 9

Geometry: Monday & Tuesday June 13 & 14

Math 8 + Algebra: Thursday & Friday June 8 & 9

Spanish: Friday, Monday & Wednesday June 10, 13 & 15 (If spirit trip is June 14)

French I: Thursday & Friday June 9 & 10

French II: Monday-Wednesday June 13-15

Geometry- Tuesday, May 24

Classwork: Completed the investigation and practice for volume of a cone

Homework: 12.5 practice

Coming Soon- Last unit test Friday, June 3. Final exam Monday & Tuesday June 13 & 14

Science- Tuesday, May 24

Classwork: Students used the note taking format (outline) they've been provided this year and practiced creating an outline from scratch with content related to how the eye sees light.

Canvasser 5.24.16 Tuesday

RR ELA- If you did not turn in your reading logs yesterday, you may do so tomorrow for late points ( late points are better than no points). Your new reading logs are due Tuesday (5.31.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( five days a week). Do not forget to complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- Red group can finish day 4 workbook pages, if you did not finish in class. Your math packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Thursday (5.26.16) your math test will also be on Thursday (5.26.16). Your notes, workbook pages, and math packet are great study tools!