Science: Today we took the midterm exam, no homework! Labs will be returned tomorrow.
Geometry: We went over the 7.4 worksheet and began discussing 7.5 (tangent ratio). Students shared their kitchen geometry projects. 7.5 notes are homework, 7.1-7.4 quiz is tomorrow and the chapter 7 test will be on February 8.
Pre-Algebra: Students finished quarterly assessments. We started lesson 4.5...rules of exponents. Homework-worksheet 4.5, # 1 - 21.
ELA - students were given the hour to read silently, fill in their reading journal, and/or look up vocabulary words for To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 7-9. They were also given the opportunity to speak with me if there was a confusing point in this week's reading. Homework: TKM journal chapters 7-9 due Thursday.
Tech(Kennedy) - Students continued in Moodle learning about Copyright law and quizzing themselves on how to avoid violating that law during their school work.
Algebra (Hill): Finish the section 7.4 worksheet (EVENS ONLY) Review sections 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 for a quiz on Wednesday this week.
Algebra (Graham): Worksheet 7.4 (7-17 odd). Quiz on Wednesday covering sections 11.1-11.4
Technology (Graham): Moodle - Nettiquette section (quizzes and 3 forum posts), Module 0 (1st assignment) Due Friday