Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sept. 29

IB word of the week= Balanced

Science: Today we went over the "Scientific Process" homework and began planning the "How Fast Am I?" lab. Quiz on Friday!

Geometry: Went over the practice test in class, Chapter Review (pg. 60-63) odds for homework. Chapter 1 test tomorrow.

Course 3: 1.6 Homework

Pre Algebra: 1.8 Homework

Algebra: 2.1 Homework

Algebra 2: 2.5 Homework

LA - Journal #12 - Describe the room you would build for yourself if you were a carpenter and why? We continued reading and discussion poems for the literature book. HW: continue reading their reading counts books. Make-up quizzes fro the first reading counts quiz must be taken by Monday Oct 5th, otherwise the grade they have is the grade that they earned.

Journalism: Finished up our final draft letters. Students explored the backgrounds of their perspective guest speakers. They also came up with interview questions taken from the information they found. HW: none.

Spanish 1: Remember there is a test Thursday! To prepare, be completely ready to use the verb ser (to be). Here are some suggestions about ways to memorize…there are many more ideas!
Visual Learners…try to see the work, even if it’s just in your mind’s eye.
1. Write everything down so that you can see the words you hear.
2. Look at it.
3. Color code it, draw pictures and graphs. Make art of your studies.

Kinesthetic learners…add as much movement as you can.
4. Move your body as you study.
5. Write down everything…the movement of your pencil is still movement!
6. Write words or letters on small pieces of paper that you mix up, then use to recreate words or sentences.

Aural (auditory) learners…try to hear it, speak and make noise that relates to the lesson.
6. Sing it or chant it.
7. Have a partner read or speak the words to you.

Spanish 8: For Thursday, please prepare the small lecture about the geography of Latin America. You must read the following lines aloud, pointing to a map as you do so. You must say this to an adult and get a signature to verify that you have done so.
Norteamérica y Sudamérica son continentes. La lengua principal es el español. Centroamérica tiene muchas regiones tropicales, especialmente en la costas del Mar Caribe y el Océano Pacífico. Hay montañas que van por Centroamérica y siguen el oeste de Sudamérica. En Sudamérica se llaman los Andes. Al este de los Andes de Chile son los llanos de Argentina. Al norte de ellos es Brasil. El Río Amazonas pasa por Brasil al Océano Atlántico.