Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday, April 17

Science: Watched Bill Nye "Waves" and went over the Interaction of Waves worksheet. Quiz is tomorrow, students may use notes and worksheets on the quiz and they will have the opportunity to do quiz corrections. 

Geometry: Went over the chapter 10 practice test and worked on the chapter 10 review. Homework is the chapter 10 review odds. 

Humanities: Students checked 14.2 and relevance paragraphs in class today.  Students were also given the opportunity to work on IB paragraphs and rough drafts for projects in class. Homework is to complete IB paragraphs for tomorrow. No current events this week.

Spanish I: Study for the 3.1 quiz (part 1) on Monday, and finish the vocab packet also due on Monday.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students worked on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Pilot test.  Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: What are your thoughts on the assessment so far?

Pre-Algebra: Homework: worksheet 7.2 (evens) Anyone interested in test re-takes, needs to see me at lunch before next Wednesday

Algebra Test tomorrow.  Attached are the reviews and the answers to the practice test and the FOILing worksheet. (Chapter 9 Pretest Warmup, Chapter 9 Practice Test,   Answers to FOIL Problems, Answers to Practice Test).

Course 3: Today we took the chapter 7 test.  No homework. 2nd hour has their chapter 7 test tomorrow.

Tech 8 (Stein): SmarterBalanced testing

ELA - Day 10 had two teaching points! Students reviewed their outlines to be sure that each reason/focus question supports the thesis, and each fact or detail supports the reason/focus question.  We then discussed what "fully citing" a source means.  Not only do they need to have a properly formatted Bibliography, but they also need to cite the source within the text (parenthetical citations).  Some got this concept with the Literary Analysis at the beginning of the year, but some are still not grasping the concept of notating within the paper what source is being quoted.  Please review the Quotes & Paraphrasing: Parenthetical (In Text) Citations guide I gave them today.  This is an important step in the writing and researching process.We then moved on to convert our outlines into rough drafts, we will be peer reviewing tomorrow. Homework: Rough Draft, READ, Journal #16