Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday, April 14

Science: Investigated properties of sounds using instruments, tuning forks, etc.... Quiz corrections are due tomorrow.

Geometry: Took the 7.1-7.4 Quiz. No homework.

RR Math: Missing homework needs to get turned in tomorrow.

RR English: Read daily. Logs are due Monday.

ELA - The M-STEP has begun. The Reader's Workshop lessons will be a Teaching Point and Independent Practice. Our first Book Club Meeting will be Thursday - Write In Response 1 (WIR1) sheets are due complete when students enter the class. Homework: READ! Work on WIR1 and Journal Entry # 4.10

Technology: Students worked on their Quests and read silently as internet use is to be kept to a minimum during the M-STEP. We will not have computer access tomorrow please complete as much work as possible at home.

Humanities: Students in first and second hours took the M-STEP test in class. Third hour students checked 14.4 and began to work on 15.1 free choice. Homework for third hour is to finish 15.1. First and second hours will work on 15.1 tomorrow, while third hour will take the M-STEP. All classes will turn in 15.1 on Monday, as we are taking the M-STEP Thursday and Friday.

Algebra: We covered the last section of Chapter 10 today. We spent the hour discussing the flight of a baseball and putting equations in vertex form. We will finish the notes tomorrow. No homework tonight.

Pre-Algebra: Today we practiced solving inequalities with fraction terms and coefficients. Some students missed class due to M-Step testing. Please look over the notes if you were testing this morning. There is no homework. The notes are available at http://norupstein.weebly.com/pre-algebra-notes-and-homework