Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ramin - ELA

- Historical Fiction - Day 2
- Read assigned chapters and worked on Write In Response (WIR) sheet

- Finish assigned reading/work on WIR

Important Dates
3/17: Write In Response #1 due (must be complete at the beginning of class to participate in Book Club meeting)


Geometry- Tuesday, March 15

Classwork: Unit 6 Review

Homework: Complete Review

Coming Soon: Test Thursday

Dixon Language & Literature

Classwork: Historical Fiction Day 2
Homework: One page free write

Science- Tuesday, March 15

Classwork: Project Work Day

Homework: Study for tomorrow's test

Coming Soon: Thursday -Project Work Day , Friday -What is Safe Project Due

Stein - Math 8 Plus - March 15, 2016


We summarized Investigation 3. Notes are available at http://norupstein.weebly.com/math-8-plus-homework-and-answers


Look over your notes for the quiz tomorrow.


  • There is a partner quiz tomorrow over Investigation 3.
  • Schedules are due to Mrs. Dietiker by March 23.


Canvasser 3.15.16 Tuesday

RR ELA- If you did not turn in your reading log yesterday, you may do so tomorrow (3.16.16) for late points! Your new reading logs are due Monday (3.21.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( five days a week). You must complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- Red group can finish their workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class. The math packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Monday (3.21.16) the math test will be on Tuesday (3.22.16) your math packet, workbook pages, and notes are great study tools!