Tomorrow is the math MEAP, students should bring calculators to use, Wednesday is the science MEAP, be sure to get enough rest and eat a good breakfast!
Geometry: Took notes on section 3.1 (Identify pairs of lines and angles), homework is the 3.1 worksheet. Geometry class does not meet again until Thursday due to MEAP.
Pre-Algebra: We went over our quizzes today. Corrections for the quiz are due by Wednesday. We talked about 1-step equation solving. Homework: Worksheet 2.4 Practice, due at the end of the hour tomorrow.
Tomorrow is the math portion of the MEAP. Please bring a calculator to ensure that you have one for the test.
Algebra: We went over the IB assessment on tiling your bathroom floor, emphasizing what minimizing means. We are continuing our lessons on equation and inequality solving. Homework: worksheet 3.3/6.3
Tomorrow is the math portion of the MEAP. Please bring a calculator to ensure that you have one for the test.
Science: Continued working on the "How Fast Am I?" lab. Morning classes worked on graphs and data analysis. Afternoon classes worked on data analysis, conclusions and critique reflection. Morning classes rough draft is due on Friday and final draft is due next Monday. Afternoon classes rough draft is due on Wednesday and final draft is due on Friday. Click here for a copy of the rubric. Our first test will be Friday, October 26.
Spanish I: Study for vocab quiz on 1.2 on Monday, Oct 22nd. Words are on my blog and have been passed out.
ELA - students were given time to AR reading and quizzes, this is the last week before we start our class novel The Giver by Lois Lowry, so it is highly suggested that students get their 2 novels for this marking period completed and tested by the end of this week. We started our Science Fiction Unit by reading from our class Anthology and taking notes on the vocabulary words for this week. We will be reading two Science Fiction short stories and will be tested on the words and stories during our Friday quiz. If absent students may "check out" the anthology to catch up. Progress Reports were handed out today - as we do not send home official progress reports I thought it may be helpful to parents to see how their student is fairing and how much homework can help or hinder a student's grades. Remember MEAP tomorrow and Wednesday, so please be sure your student gets lots of sleep and eats a healthy breakfast. Homework: READ! Get progress reports signed...return tomorrow.
Humanities: Students checked chapter 2 assessment and shared current events in class. No homework.