Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday, January 15

Midterm Schedule

Algebra: January 16 & 17

Geometry: January 23
Spanish 1: January 28 & 29
Spanish 2 & French: January 30 & 31
Science: February 4

Science: Used the Law of Conservation of Energy and some awesome math skills to predict how fast the car should go based on it's mass and drop height. We then compared the predicted speeds with the actual speed of the car and discussed any discrepancies. Energy "Quest" Wednesday, January 22. 

Geometry: Used similarity to prove the triangle proportionality theorem. Homework is the 6.6 worksheet. Dilation & Similarity quest on Friday. 

Humanities: Students shared current events and were introduced to 9.2 of the text today in class. No homework.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Tuesday. Start getting organized for midterms if you have them.  Also- read, read, read...many of you need to take more AR quizzes.

R. Room Math:  Test will be this Friday.  Homework will also be due this Friday.  Study. Start getting organized for midterms if you have them.  Also- read, read, read...many of you need to take more AR quizzes.

Algebra- Our testing starts tomorrow.  Attached are all 3 reviews (both clean copy and answered copy).

Chinese: We are going to make corrections on quiz, and learn to speak and write about family members.

Course 3: We did stations to review for our test tomorrow on chapter 6, lessons 1 - 4.

Spanish II: Exs 6,7,9 pgs 278-279. Due tomorrow.

French I: Start studying the blue words (second set) on pg 101) for a quiz next Tuesday.

Pre-AlgebraReview for Transformations test tomorrow!! Use review packet, notes, homework, and ISN pages HW: complete review packet entirely (it will be turned in tomorrow for double credit)  Happy studying!

ELA - Students looked at the opposition's side and found all the evidence that proves them wrong.  We then worked on writing counterargument paragraphs for Day 6 of our op-ed. Homework: Read, Journal #50