Thursday, October 6, 2016

Math 8 - Stone

Today, we completed investigation 4.3. We introduced the idea of the correlation coefficient and applied it to several graphs.

Homework: Page 96 (6, 7, 19, 20)

Check up #2 is Monday (10/10)
Unit Tests Tuesday (10/18)

Remember if you need my help, come and see my before school in Mrs. Canvasser's room or after school in Mrs. Graham's room. Mrs. Graham is also available to help you during your lunch in Mr. Mercer's room.

Click to add a signature



Classwork: Developed the converse of the theorems about parallel lines and angles investigated yesterday.

Homework: Proofs about parallel and perpendicular lines handout (see geometry folder for copies of all handouts).

Coming soon! Unit 1 test Tuesday & Thursday, October 11 & 13 (constructions a separate day).

8th grade PE assignment

Physical Education

8th grade Assignment


Compare and contrast the following:

  • PE flag football field and a regulation football field.

  • A kick off and a punt in flag football.

  • Three rules used in a PE flag football game to a regulation football game (excluding kick off, punts and field dimensions).


  • Essay should be informative and 1-2 pages in length.
  • Double check your spelling.
  • A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write it. Must be legible.

This homework is due on Friday, Oct. 14.

You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.

a Message from the PTA

Hello 8th grade!
The PTA has 2 easy ways for you to win SPIRIT POINTS:

#1   Fun Run donations - The Norup Color Fun Run is next week, Oct. 13. 
Get your donations in ASAP.  The MYP Grade with the most donations will receive Mega Spirit Points!
#2   Box Top Collection Contest - the Box Top Contest runs from Oct. 3-Feb.8
Clip your Box Tops, glue them to Collection Sheets* and turn them in to your science class*
*see Box Top Collection Panel hanging on Mr. Greer's wall.
The MYP Grade with the most Box Tops collected will receive Mega Spirit Points!

Canvasser Thursday 10.6.16

RR ELA-  The new reading logs are due Monday (10.10.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days. If you did not turn in your reading log yesterday you may do so tomorrow for late points!

RR Math- Blue group can finish workbook pages ( day 4) if not completed in class. The signed homework packet and multiplication sheet are due Monday (10.10.16) the math test will also be on Monday (10.10.16). Your notes, workbook pages, and homework packet are great study tools!

*Bring your AR book to class and home daily!* 

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students turned in IB Project contracts, were introduced to chapter 3 of the text and began to work on 3.1 section assessment in class.
-Homework is to complete 3.1 section assessment.