Friday, September 25, 2015

Ramin - ELA - 9/25/15

Classwork: Today we began Writer's Workshop - Day 1 - Narrative Poetry. We discussed how writers use mentor texts to help them identify and examine key elements of the genres they want to emulate. We pasted a checklist into our journals to remind ourselves of the elements in narrative poetry, and used the checklist as a class to identify narrative/poetic elements in two mentor poems. For independent practice, students used the checklist to determine whether or not the poems they brought to class fit within our genre.

Homework: Read!!! Remember: 1st Quarter AR goals: 4 books or 50 points (revised)

Class Website: (sign up for Remind101, view course documents, etc.)


English - Kennedy

Students began their Writer's Workshop Launching Unit today.  We reviewed the elements of Narrative Verse, used the poems students brought in to analyze whether these poems were Narrative or Lyrical.  All materials for the class will be located on the Google Classroom from now on.  Please check this site for missing work.

Canvasser 9.25.15 Friday

RR ELA- Reading Logs are due Monday (9.28.15)
* Do not forget the Reader's Response Section *

RR Math-  Homework Packet along with multiplication sheet is due Friday (10.2.15)
* Math test is also on Friday (10.2.15)*
Have a great weekend!