Friday, October 7, 2016

Math 8

Today, we prepared for Monday's quiz. We interpreted data in a table, drew a best fit line, practiced writing the equation for that line, and made predictions using that line.

Classwork/Homework: Page 101 (#9)

Have a great weekend!



Classwork: Today we reviewed our notes from yesterday and completed a variable practice page.

Homework: Open note quiz on Thursday, October 13.


Classwork: Began the unit 1 test review after going over last night's homework.

Homework: Unit 1 test review #1-29

Coming Soon! Unit 1 test Tuesday & Thursday, October 11 & 13..

Here are some links for additional practice with proofs:

Canvasser Friday 10.7.16

Happy Friday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday ( 10.10.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- Red group can finish workbook pages ( day 4 week 2) if not completed in class. The signed homework packet and multiplication sheet are due Monday (10.10.16) the math test will also be on Monday (10.10.16). Your notes, homework packet, and workbook pages are great study tools!

* Bring your AR book to class and home daily!*

Have a wonderful weekend!


Classwork: We read and took notes on time and distance.

Homework: finish anything from the notes that wasn't finished in class.

Quiz: next Thursday, October 13th, open note

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students checked 3.1 section assessment and began to work on 3.2 section assessment in class.
-Homework is to finish 3.2 section assessment.