Science: Reviewed the notes from section 19.1. Demonstration of periodic motion. Period & Frequency worksheet is homework. Students need to make problem solving boxes either on a separate sheet of paper or on the back of the worksheet.
Geometry: We reviewed 10.1-10.4. Homework is page 914 #1-36. 10.1-10.4 quiz on Wednesday.
Algebra: Started 9.1. Homework 9.1 #3-41 every other odd.
Algebra 2: Reviewed Chapter 10. Chapter 10 Test is on Thursday.
Pre Algebra: Chapter 6 Review. Test on Wednesday.
Course 3: Review for our Ch. 8 Quest tomorrow. Austin- We went over lesson 8.5.
LA - Continued reading The Outsider's to the class. We reviewed adverbs for the quiz tomorrow and grammar packets will be collected. We started reading our last science fiction story which is an excerpt from Flowers for Algernon.
Journalism - Start typing final drafts.
Integrated Tech - Restructure (again) of teams. New teams + smaller projects=a more structured plan and a happier class. The class will be "restarting" LegoRobotics and will be working with smaller projects to get us to the Bot Battle in a few weeks.
Language Arts: Students reviewed chapter 13 and were introduced to chapter 14 in class. No homework. Current events due Wednesday.
Spanish 1: The chapter 2-2 exam retakes will be either Wednesday or Thursday at lunch. We will have the vocabulary page 167 test next Tuesday, April 20. Study vocabulary, please!
Spanish 8: Please use the vocabulary on page 77 to complete the following. Use 3 terms for each:
Yo soy (I am)...
Yo tengo (I have)...
Yo llevo (I wear/am wearing)...