Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday, April 15

Science: Completed Investigation 20-A by watching waves and their interaction with boundaries. No homework, quiz on waves Thursday.

Geometry: Went over the 10.6 homework and 10.7 notes (equations of circles). Homework is the 10.7 worksheet, chapter 10 test is Thursday.

Humanities: Students worked on turned in research for their projects, worked on 14.1 section assessment and began to outline papers for projects that are due Monday, April 22. Homework is to complete 14.1 and outlines for tomorrow. No current events this week.

Spanish I: 3.1 quiz (part 1) is on Monday, April 22nd. The 3.1 vocab sheet that goes with it is also due on Monday.

Tech 8 (Stein): Smarter Balanced Pilot (all week)

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: I reviewed the purpose and structure of the Smarter Balanced Pilot Test.  Students logged in to the system as guests in order to complete some practice questions to familiarize themselves with the test structure.  Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: How does the Smarter Balanced Assessment differ from the MEAP test you are used to taking?

Pre-Algebra: We took our 3rd District Assessment today.  No Homework!
Algebra: We finished our notes for 9.6-9.8.  Homework is a worksheet for those sections (attached).
Our test for this chapter will be this Thursday!

ELA - Students wrote Thesis Statements, wrote reasons why the thesis is true, and sorted their facts backing up those reasons.  We looked at where we were lacking facts and where our strongest point was. Tomorrow we will be organizing our ideas and facts into an outline and drafting our first draft. Homework: Continue researching, READ!, Journal #12

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