We did a ton of review today. We named functions from equations, filled in a table if you know the function, and found equivalent expressions. Great job!
Warm up and lab sheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9_EAUW_J80vbHZyMVlVMXFZOC1NTVZpZ1gtc2s0Wk1RdEJj/view?usp=sharing
Warm up and lab sheet answer key: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9_EAUW_J80vODM4djk1ZzZpTXRsX1Ewck5JaGJ1NUdndU1V/view?usp=sharing
Last night's homework answer key: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9_EAUW_J80vZ3RRZG1JQ1RrNFJvOGhtckE1TmlpdTRGd0Zj/view?usp=sharing
Tonight's homework: pg 72 (10, 42-47)