Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday, April 24

Science: Completed the sound unit notes, homework is the properties of sound worksheet. 

Geometry: Unit 8 review for Monday's test. 

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday, 4/28/14.  All five responses need to be completed.

R. Room Math:  Test/HW packet due on Thursday 5/1/14.  Try and turn your homework packet in early so I can check it.  This way, you can use it as another tool to study for your test next week.  Also, I am available during lunch time if you have questions.

Spanish II: The preterite verb worksheet is due on Monday.
French I: The 7.1 worksheet is due on Monday.

Chinese: We are reviewing Unit 4 by doing exercises on workbook p.123, 126, and 127.

Spanish I: Today we read/heard/talked about el coquí - -the Puerto Rican tree frog. Escuchar (listening portion completed). Ser/estar/tener --info and worksheet (classwork only). HW--textbook p 182 #6 (write all 10 complete sentences following the model)-due Friday.

Humanities: Students reviewed 16.1 in class today. No homework. Homework for Friday is to complete 16.2 guided reading.

Pre-Algebra: Review for tomorrow's quiz over 7.1-7.4
Be able to:
  • convert fractions to percents and percents to fractions
  • convert decimals to percents and percents to decimals
  • solve percent problems using a proportion (is/of = %/100)
  • solve word problems involving percent (i.e.: commission)
HW: Complete Review "Mid-Chapter Quiz"