Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday, May 19

Final Exam Dates:
Science- Wednesday, June 5
Geometry- Monday, June 9
Choir- Thursday, June 5
Spanish I- Monday, June 9
Algebra- Thursday June 5 & Friday June 6
Spanish II - Thursday & Friday June 5 & 6
Chinese- Friday, June 6

Science: Investigation 22-B - The Law of Reflection was completed in class today. Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum Quest Friday, May 30.

Geometry: 12.3- Surface area of prisms & pyramids. Homework is the 12.3 worksheet. Chapter 12 test Friday, May 30.

Chinese: We are going to take post-test, and then continue making the story book.

Corrective Reading:  New logs were passed out today and are due (5 days filled out) on Tuesday 5/27/14.  If you forgot your log today, please turn it in tomorrow for late points.

R. Room Math:  Test on/homework packets due 5/20/14.  Please study!!!  You wrote wrote pages to study on the front of your workbook.

Humanities: Students finished presenting Civil War projects and began to work on 18.1 in class. Homework is to finish 18.1 free choice.

Spanish II: Study your verbs for the test next week.

French I: Begin studying your new vocab and make flash cards for the words on pg 259

Pre-Algebra: Percent Applications Quiz (no homework assigned)

Algebra - homework (2-12 evens)

Spanish I: Today we learned about making comparisons and the verb "saber"--to know facts or how to do something (different from "conocer" -to know people. be familiar with). Please look through pp.207-209 if absent and do the notas (8th grade blog). HW-comparaciones sheet (blog) and do #15 on p. 209 on the back of the sheet; due tomorrow. TEST--5/30

ELA - Students continued with our "I Believe" statement.  Day 3 we read more quotes and wrote how they spoke to us.  We are working our way to writing our own "Life Credo" or "I Believe" statement. Homework: READ! Journal entry #41
Technology - Kennedy - Students continued their "Family Budget" project. Remember all jobs require a maximum of 4 years college, be available in the city and state the student picked, and be entry wage.  No lawyers, doctors, professional athletes, or famous performers allowed. Homework: all Investigate due by Wednesday; spreadsheet, bibliography, and print evidence.

Course 3: Worksheet 6.6, all.