Caring & Sharing Breakfast food drive is this week. Hat Day Friday, bring in $1.00 to wear a hat and to help raise money for Caring & Sharing!
Science: Worked on writing up the data analysis & conclusions portions of the "Is the Force With You?" lab. Tomorrow we will work on the critique reflection and rough drafts, see yesterday's post for a copy of the lab planner. Rough draft for peer review is due on Friday, December 2 & the final draft of the lab is due on Tuesday, December 6. The Unit 2 Test is Friday, December 9.
Geometry: Went over the 5.2 homework and completed the 5.3 notes (Incenter & Angle Bisectors). 5.3 worksheet is homework. Chapter 5 quiz is on Friday.
Pre-Algebra: Today students worked on a practice quiz. We will review tomorrow. Most students finished the quiz in class. It is homework if it is not done. Quiz is Friday.
Spanish I: Finish the worksheet you got in class yesterday. This will be due tomorrow. Don't forget you have a unit test on 1.3 on Monday.
Language Arts: Students worked quietly on Grammar #10 - Run ons and Fragments. They were given time to work on their AR quizzes (first one due today) and read their next book. We then moved to our Writer's Workshop Corner to reflect on our Launching Unit (notes attached and on my webpage on Berkley website) . We reflected on wether we truly gave ourselves to the workshop or if we just went through the motions. If we progressed as writers and met the goals we set on Day 1 or if we were just trudging through. How we can work on meeting those goals in the future, as we are all writers, no matter what profession we aspire to. Homework: Finish Grammar #10, read, and write in journal.
Humanities: Students checked 5.1 section assessment and shared current events in class. No homework.
Algebra (Hill): Homework finish the section 6.7 worksheet all problems.
Algebra (Graham): We have our chapter test this Friday. I have attached some of the reviews (Pre-Test Warmup & Review) that students will get in class. We reviewed today and tomorrow. Happy Studying!