Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday, May 8

Science: Students helped with Cedar Point organization.

Geometry: Went over the 12.1 homework and completed the 12.2 activity. Homework is the first page of 12.2 notes.

Humanities: Students continued our investigation of the Civil War in class today. No homework. No current events this week.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students continued working on their business plans. They worked on designing a logo for their brand and created a layout for their office or store front. Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: What logo did you come up with?

Humanities: Students continued our investigation of the Civil War in class today. No homework. No current events this week.

ELA - Students were given the hour to catch up on reading, entering journals, or hand in late Grammar work. Homework: Read Chap 11& 12, Journal Entry #32

Tech 8 (Stein): 1st and 3rd Hour: Family Budget Project Work Day (due May 13), 2nd Hour: Research Mentoring with Mr. Greer's 5th Grade (Family Budget Project due May 20

Course 3: Students did a word problem sheet.  It is homework if it was not finished.