Science: Worked on circuit diagrams and write up for "What is Safe?" project. We also went over the rubric for this project. Students should be working on making the initial circuit this weekend. Project due dates are:
March 14: Initial Circuits Complete
March 15-March 18: Testing & Revisions of circuits, working on project write up.
March 19: Circuit Presentations & Write-Ups due.
Geometry: Practice test. Chapter 8 test is on Tuesday.
Course 3: Austin-We finished notes on lesson 7.8. Homework-Worksheet 7.8 all. Most students finished in class. Baker-Practice activity. Most students left for the high school. No homework.
Algebra: 8.2 #1-55 every other even
Algebra 2: 9.5 Homework
Pre Algebra: No homework. Practice quiz on Monday 6.1-6.4 and Quiz on 6.1-6.4 on Tuesday. Chapter 6 Project will be assigned on Tuesday.
LA - Students took their cumulative novel test today. They also handed in their paper and worksheets. HW - none. Please note: Monday and Tuesday of next week student's will be watching the timeless classic "To Kill a Mockingbird" in class.
Journalism - students were to read a World, National and local article and report on each. HW - none
Social Studies: Students checked 12.3 guided reading, read 12.4 aloud and began work on 12.4 section assessment in class. Homework is to complete 12.4 section assessment. Homework folders are due Monday.
Spanish 1: We went over the quizzes from Wednesday and the questions handed out yesterday. There is no homework over the weekend.
Spanish 8: We are finishing the reading selection called "¡La television es muy importante!" Kids need to have their entire packet of handouts (#1-#6) with them on Monday for credit for materials. They will present the last four lines of the conversation on Tuesday.