Geometry: Finished reviewing equations of circles and parabolas for tomorrow's quiz. We then began discussing slope & parallel lines. Homework is the slope and parallel lines practice #1-6.
C. Reading: Reading logs got passed out yesterday. All five days, filled out completely, will be due Tuesday 4/22/14.
R. Room Math: Homework packets were passed out yesterday. Tentative due date is Monday 4/28/14. If we keep that date, that is when our next test will be as well. Keep up on your X facts! This is part of your homework packet. Red group should finish their workbook pages if they did not in class today.
Spanish II: Exercises 9 and 10 pg 376. Due tomorrow
French I: Study for the chapter 6 test tomorrow. The 6.2/6.3 worksheet is also due tomorrow
Chinese: We are practicing expressing how to go to school/work/places by
various transportation tools. We will also learn to write the first 4 characters from Lesson 12 Text
1. Class work is to write characters 3 times each by steps.
Spanish I: Please finish work from sub and flash cards. Meet in hall to go to lab tomorrow.
Spanish I: Please finish work from sub and flash cards. Meet in hall to go to lab tomorrow.
Pre-Algebra: Quick review of multi-step equation solving. Daily Math: Cumulative Practice. ISN foldable and jigsaw activity to review converting between fractions,
decimals and percents. HW: Complete the Common Percent Table worksheet.
ELA - Students are finishing up their Historical Fiction with Day 7 and
scrutinized in depth descriptions. Books should be done by Thursday with their
AR quiz due Tuesday, April 22. Cross Curricular projects were introduced so that students may start
working on their Compare Contrast. This project is due May 2nd. Homework: Read, begin research for paper, Journal #13
Technology - Kennedy - Students completed their 12 Days of Middle School
Excel chart and learned how to make pictograms with a survey. They now will be
creating their own survey with a minimum of 6 items and a minimum of 50 survey
Course 3: Today we started to talk about congruent polygons. Our homework is worksheet
8.5, #1 - 6. Students were given plenty of time to work on it in class.
Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 15 in class today. We also introduced our
summative assessment for Thursday. The question for the assessment is below. Homework is to study
for this essay exam. How did the issue of slavery lead to the Civil War? In your answer, be
sure to include a minimum of three of the following terms and names.
-Economic differences between the North and South
-Wilmont Proviso
-Land session from Mexico
-Compromise of 1850
-Fugitive Slave Act
-Kansas Nebraska Act
-"Bleeding Kansas"
-Republican Party
-Dred Scott
-Lincoln Douglas Debate
-John Brown
-Election of 1860
-Southern succession
-State's rights
-Confederate States of America