Science: Did our first investigation with electricity with a simple circuit and discussed the flow of energy in the circuit. Students also experimented with various insulators and conductors. Lab corrections are due on Friday.
Spanish I: 2.3 quiz (part 1) has been moved to next Tuesday, March 5th.. The 2.2 test is still on Monday. The review packet passed out on Monday is now due this Friday. The 2.3 vocab packet passed out a few weeks ago is now due next Tuesday,
March 5th. To students who were absent today: Check my blog Today we went over the 5 questions you need to know for the test on Monday.
They are posted on my blog.
Humanities: Students turned in homework folders, took chapter 10 test, and watched
student news in class. No homework.
Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students worked the entire hour on their college research projects. They will sign up for presentation days tomorrow in class. Homework: College research project due beginning of class Monday. Discussion topics: How many students attend the university you are researching?
Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students worked the entire hour on their college research projects. They will sign up for presentation days tomorrow in class. Homework: College research project due beginning of class Monday. Discussion topics: How many students attend the university you are researching?
Course 3: Today we went over homework and then practiced finding slope using the
formula and counting rise/run. Homework is a 4 page review. Many students finished in class.
Pre-Algebra We started slope today. Homework: Make a picture with 10 points. Connect the dots and find the slope of all the lines. (I attached the assignment)
Algebra We reviewed for our test today. Homework is a review
packet. They were given the answers to it to help them study. Chapter 7 Review & Review Stations attached