Geometry: Took the chapter 11 test.
Spanish 2: Study new verbs
French I: work on worksheet and study for the test on Thursday
R. Room Math: Purple group, finish your workbook pages that we did today in class if you did not finish it in class. Both groups, red and purple, you have your homework packet due on or before 5/20/14. Your test is 5/20/14- study!!
C. Reading: Logs are due today. Your new log is due Monday 5/19/14. If you forgot your log today, turn it in tomorrow for late points!!
C. Reading: Logs are due today. Your new log is due Monday 5/19/14. If you forgot your log today, turn it in tomorrow for late points!!
Humanities: Students worked on 17.4 in class. Homework is to complete 17.4 free choice.
Spanish I: We began discussing 3.2. Listening (in text) pp. 196-201. HW-p 202 #1 and #2 (you need to refer back to 200-201 dialog). Flashcards --due today. Vocab quiz--Friday
Pre-Algebra: Today students took notes in their ISNs. We used what we know about finding discounts and markups to discover a method for finding the original price (wholesale price) when given the sale price (retail price). Additionally, we also worked on reviewing and practicing complex equation solving. No homework. Enjoy Cedar Point! See you Wednesday!